Thursday, October 25, 2007

Houseship #7

Woke up early this morning since I had left the drapes open on purpose. The sky prior to sunrise was unbelievably beautiful. While we were still in relative darkness, the rock canyon walls looked like a black cutout against the colored backdrop of the sky. As the sunrise got closer, you could see more and more detail of the rocks, until the sun finally popped up over one of the promontories. While awaiting the sunrise it was so silent you could hear the ducks muttering to each other along with a loon and the small waves lapping on the shore. After watching the sunrise I headed in to start the generator and breakfast. We had a great breakfast, folks had showers, and we’re headed off in the small boat to explore Navajo Creek. Navajo Creek was an incredible experience. We rode 12 miles up the canyon with walls of often 500 feet on each side. The canyon twisted and turned, with new unbelievable vista at every turn. It took us a couple hours to make the round trip to Navajo Canyon in the small boat. When we got back it was time to unanchor the Houseship and head up the lake. We proceeded back down Warm Creek and turned upstream headed for Rock Creek Bay/Canyon. We had to do some serious time distance figuring to see if we could make Rock Creek before dark. We ended up raising the Houseship speed slightly and made it with half an hour to spare. As we approached Rock Creek Brenda and I jumped in the small boat and scouted ahead for a landing spot for the Houseship. We rounded the pump-out station, and turned up Rock Creek. Because of all the houseship traffic on this lake, they have pumpout stations where you can stop and pump your holding and grey water tanks. This keeps the lake pristine and the water close to drinkable. About 4 miles up Rock Creek we found a cool beach complete with fire pit. We couldn’t reach the Houseship on the radio, so we ran back down the canyon until we could talk to them. We reported our discovery of an acceptable beach to Captain Jim mie and awaited their arrival. We did the compulsory anchor digging with great care as the weather is forecasting 30-mph wind gusts for Sat night. We intend to keep the ship parked for the next 2 days and use the small boat for sight seeing. We fired up the grill tonight and cooked steaks with salad and baked potatoes. We sat around the diner table telling stories of the most famous people we have shaken hands with or been close to. It was an amazing list of folks that included some very famous people. Watched a movie and turned in for the night.

More later,


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